Whakapiki Ake Pipeline

Our Whakapiki Ake Pipeline Approach

The Whakapiki Ake pipeline model is designed to ignite the interest of rangatahi in health careers starting from Year 9. It provides continuous support throughout their school years, ensuring those aspiring to become health professionals have genuine opportunities to achieve their goals. This initiative is closely aligned with current government strategies and action plans for Māori health, Māori health workforce development, and Māori tertiary education.

The Whakapiki Ake pipeline offers a range of support for students leading up to their graduation day. This model provides a range of interventions to help rangatahi discover, explore, and pursue health career pathways. These interventions aim to foster connectedness and well-being through whanaungatanga, strengthening relationships with whānau and building supportive, sustainable connections with peers and student cohorts. These cohort relationships encourage collective determination, perseverance, and the courage to progress together.

The programme also focuses on raising awareness and understanding of different forms of racism, while developing strategies to build resilience. As an evidence-based programme, Whakapiki Ake effectively addresses systemic inequities in tertiary education and the health workforce. It actively engages, awakens, and excites rangatahi through carefully crafted interventions, supporting their journey towards successful health careers.

Early Exposure
Secondary School
Te Whē
Year 9
Raising awareness. Exposure to health career opportunities.
Whakapiki Ake collaborations with internal and external stakeholders.
Register with Whakapiki Ake online.
Whakapiki Ake Hui ā Rohe.
Social media.
Whakapiki Ake Hui ā Kura.
Te Kune
Year 10
Clear and accessible information about career choices and school subjects.
Whakapiki Ake collaborations with internal and external stakeholders.
Register with Whakapiki Ake online.
Te Whē (Auckland).
Whakapiki Ake Hui ā Rohe.
Social media.
Whakapiki Ake Hui ā Kura.
Te Whē (Tauranga).
Wao Nui
Year 11
Subject choice is key: applied sciences, Maths and English.
Whakapiki Ake collaborations with internal and external stakeholders.
Registered with Whakapiki Ake.
Te Whē (Auckland).
Whakapiki Ake Hui ā Rohe.
Social media.
Te Whē (Whakatāne and Tauranga).
Whakapiki Ake Hui ā Kura.
Te Whē Whakatāne.
Te Whē Tauranga.
Te Rea
Year 12
Aim for excellence. Academic, social and cultural growth.
Register with Whakapiki Ake online.
Whakapiki Ake Hui ā Kura.
Social media.
Whakapiki Ake Academic Support.
Whakapiki Ake Hui ā Rohe.
Whakapiki Ake Study Wānanga Auckland
Te Aka
To reach out
Year 13
The decision to move into tertiary study, requires support.
Register with Whakapiki Ake online.
Whakapiki Ake Hui ā Kura.
Social Media.
Whakapiki Ake Academic Online Support.
Whakapiki Ake Hui ā Rohe.
Whakapiki Ake Study Wānanga Auckland.
Application assistance.
Next Steps to Uni.
MAPAS General Interviews.
Te Weu
Take root
Hikitia te Ora
Preparation for successful degree study and choice of study.
Whānau Handover Dinner.
Whakapiki Ake Check in Semester One.
Whakapiki Ake Check in Semester Two.
Social media.
MAPAS supports all Whakapiki Ake students.
Student financial support.
Te More
First year (FY)
Preparation for successful study and career pathway.
Whānau Handover Dinner.
Whakapiki Ake Check in Semester One.
Whakapiki Ake Check in Semester Two.
Social media.
MAPAS supports all Whakapiki Ake students.
Student financial support.